Sightlessness reigned over The Imaginarium today.
Nefarious insurgents in the realm of Dragon’s Eye Productions, (most notably Narnia) let loose a vicious virus. The testing zone was The Imaginarium, and it quickly became obvious that there were, indeed, problems.
“I didn’t know what he was going to do!” shouted one of the citizens of Imaginarium’s popular dreams. She held her hands to her eyes, crying out in shock and what we presume to be pain.
What did the virus do?
It caused all the “oculars” to melt.
Narnia had this to say:
“The virus only affected the most pretentious furres out there, the ones who use that term all the time to describe their eyeballs. Next week we’re releasing one for those insane furres who use “Auds” all the time. That’s not even a word!”
We asked him which word was banned this week, and he fired off immediately, in his most indignant tone, “Oculars!”
Narnia’s family is now accepting donations to fix his ruined ocularsight.
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A Character Thief prowls Furcadia, looking for fresh meat.
If you know someone who is acting strange, please report him or her to the Guardians immediately.
Nobody is safe.
The Character Thief strikes late at night, when all are asleep.
(S)He changes your passwords so you can’t log on. Changes the e-mail address of the account, so you can’t retrieve your password.
Rumor has it, the Character Thief even steals your Character’s Soul.
Remember, if you think someone is acting strangely, report them immediately. You may save your own life!
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From Washington DC:
Masons today across the country have thrown up their arms against the influx of new beekins.
Older, more seasoned Masons have been let go in recent months due to budget restrictions. This has caused the Mason class to dwindle to smaller and smaller numbers, as applications were closed. Now that applications have re-oppened, some of the old Masons have re-applied for their old jobs, and been summarily turned away.
Now the hiring frenzy is on in full bloom in Beekin-World, with almost any newcommer being allowed to join the prestigious ranks of beekindom with or without proper knowledge.
It is for this reason that the Masons have went on strike.
One person inside DEP has said that this is exactly what DEP wanted. The new Masons will take up the slack the old masons (who are now on strike) have left behind for pennies on the dollar, compared to what they were paying the old Masons.
Word has it that the Mason’s are contemplating their response to that news as they realize they may have been cleverly manipulated out of a job.
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Rule One: You don’t talk about Furcadia Fight Club.
Rule Two: You don’t talk about Furcadia Fight Club.
Rule Three: You learn to love Edward Norton. (He’s Hulkalicious. ๐ )
In a bizzar turn of events today, a fight broke out in Naia Green.
Cironir was called in to mitigate the situation, however he was forced to admit that he was unsure of how to handle the situation.
“Honestly, there’s no rules that cover this, and I couldn’t think of any rule that wouldn’t get everyone banned.”
A few moments later, everyone was in The Vinca.
It turns out that fighting against an opponent that happens to be yourself is against the rules in Naia Green. Cironir’s controversial decision has left Naia Green a baren wasteland, for now. Until the 24 hour map ban is over, at any rate.
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In West Meovanni, Born and raised
Near the Stage is where I spent most of my days
Chillin’ out with Felorin and relaxin’ all cool
Watchin’ some theatre outside of the Que
When a couple of guys, who were up to no good!
Started makin’ trouble in our neck of the woods
I got in one little furpile and my momma got scared!
She said you’re movin’ with your auntie and uncle in Imaginarium.
I whistled for a coach and when it came near
The License plate said “Yiff” and there were pies on the Mirror.
If anything I would say that this guy was queer
But I thought, “Man, forget it! Yo Homes, Imaginarium!”
I pulled up to the place about 7 or 8
I yelled to the guy, “Go home, yiff ya later!”
I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there!
To sit on my throne…
As the prince of Imaginarium.
Comments Off on Furcadia Rap
Sightlessness reigned over The Imaginarium today.
Nefarious insurgents in the realm of Dragon’s Eye Productions, (most notably Narnia) let loose a vicious virus. The testing zone was The Imaginarium, and it quickly became obvious that there were, indeed, problems.
“I didn’t know what he was going to do!” shouted one of the citizens of Imaginarium’s popular dreams. She held her hands to her eyes, crying out in shock and what we presume to be pain.
What did the virus do?
It caused all the “oculars” to melt.
Narnia had this to say:
“The virus only affected the most pretentious furres out there, the ones who use that term all the time to describe their eyeballs. Next week we’re releasing one for those insane furres who use “Auds” all the time. That’s not even a word!”
We asked him which word was banned this week, and he fired off immediately, in his most indignant tone, “Oculars!”
Narnia’s family is now accepting donations to fix his ruined ocularsight.
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A Character Thief prowls Furcadia, looking for fresh meat.
If you know someone who is acting strange, please report him or her to the Guardians immediately.
Nobody is safe.
The Character Thief strikes late at night, when all are asleep.
(S)He changes your passwords so you can’t log on. Changes the e-mail address of the account, so you can’t retrieve your password.
Rumor has it, the Character Thief even steals your Character’s Soul.
Remember, if you think someone is acting strangely, report them immediately. You may save your own life!
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From Washington DC:
Masons today across the country have thrown up their arms against the influx of new beekins.
Older, more seasoned Masons have been let go in recent months due to budget restrictions. This has caused the Mason class to dwindle to smaller and smaller numbers, as applications were closed. Now that applications have re-oppened, some of the old Masons have re-applied for their old jobs, and been summarily turned away.
Now the hiring frenzy is on in full bloom in Beekin-World, with almost any newcommer being allowed to join the prestigious ranks of beekindom with or without proper knowledge.
It is for this reason that the Masons have went on strike.
One person inside DEP has said that this is exactly what DEP wanted. The new Masons will take up the slack the old masons (who are now on strike) have left behind for pennies on the dollar, compared to what they were paying the old Masons.
Word has it that the Mason’s are contemplating their response to that news as they realize they may have been cleverly manipulated out of a job.
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Rule One: You don’t talk about Furcadia Fight Club.
Rule Two: You don’t talk about Furcadia Fight Club.
Rule Three: You learn to love Edward Norton. (He’s Hulkalicious. ๐ )
In a bizzar turn of events today, a fight broke out in Naia Green.
Cironir was called in to mitigate the situation, however he was forced to admit that he was unsure of how to handle the situation.
“Honestly, there’s no rules that cover this, and I couldn’t think of any rule that wouldn’t get everyone banned.”
A few moments later, everyone was in The Vinca.
It turns out that fighting against an opponent that happens to be yourself is against the rules in Naia Green. Cironir’s controversial decision has left Naia Green a baren wasteland, for now. Until the 24 hour map ban is over, at any rate.
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In West Meovanni, Born and raised
Near the Stage is where I spent most of my days
Chillin’ out with Felorin and relaxin’ all cool
Watchin’ some theatre outside of the Que
When a couple of guys, who were up to no good!
Started makin’ trouble in our neck of the woods
I got in one little furpile and my momma got scared!
She said you’re movin’ with your auntie and uncle in Imaginarium.
I whistled for a coach and when it came near
The License plate said “Yiff” and there were pies on the Mirror.
If anything I would say that this guy was queer
But I thought, “Man, forget it! Yo Homes, Imaginarium!”
I pulled up to the place about 7 or 8
I yelled to the guy, “Go home, yiff ya later!”
I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there!
To sit on my throne…
As the prince of Imaginarium.
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